We completely enjoyed our weekend away. We didn't get to leave as early as we would have liked to on Friday, but that didn't stop us from having a good time. Neither did getting lost trying to find our hotel. Well, let's translate lost. Translation: Erin didn't pay attention to the directions and forgot to tell Trenton what exit to take. Therefore, we spent about an extra 25 minutes on the road trying to find a different route :) Live and learn. We drove from Platte City up to St. Joe and ate at Red Lobster b/c we were both craving it...delish! Came back to the hotel and crashed. Slept in Saturday morning, did a little shopping, then came back just in time to get ready. The wedding was beautiful and the reception was amazing. It was sooooo good to see Bree and Katie. The weather cooperated just long enough for everyone to get to the reception. It was however in a tin-roofed barn. Talk about loud! The rain would pound for 15-20 minutes, stop, then start again. We finally left the reception to head back to the hotel. We were going to soak in the hot tub and do some swimming. Unfortunately, tornadoes were popping up all around us and the tornado sirens were going off in Platte City. After the storm passed we finally got to relax a bit :) Sunday found us sleeping in again! We headed to St. Joe to meet our friends Monica & Chad and their two little boys, Augutus and William. We got to eat lunch at Olive Garden and visit for a couple hours. Again...it was raining, but still it was good food and a great time catching up with friends! I think we've made a plan to start an annual camping trip.
The barn where the reception was held. The whole place was absolutely beautiful and perfect for a country wedding :)
The storm rolling in...
Katie, Bree & I
Bree and I. Bree & I joined sorority at NW the same year. We also lived in the same apartment building. We shared many memories and many nights of talking, cooking and just hanging out. I miss her tons and wish we were closer. She met Nick about the same time Trenton & I started dating.
Trenton & I standing on the porch of the barn. We had such a great time, despite the cruddy weather!