Thursday, January 21, 2010

What do you do with???

Two post in two! So question for those of you reading...what do you do with the Christmas card pictures that you get from people? Most "cards" I just toss (ok, actually, I stack them up and move them around for a few months b/c I have packrat issues before I finally get fed up and throw them away). But obviously, I don't want to throw away these pictures. What creative things do you do with them? Do I get an album? Last year...I adorned the frig with them, but that just doesn't work for me b/c they kept falling down, they rolled up from the heat vent, etc. So I need ideas???


Finding Joy in the Journey said...

oh poo...I was going to say fridge....that's what I do. and they do roll...I just do it anyways b/c I can't stand to throw them away!

Diane Melvin said...

You could get those clear magnetic frames. That's what I use.

Andrea Frederick said...

i keep my on a fan frame holder thing b/c my fridge is not magnetic. i toss them as soon as i start getting news ones the next year. i use to keep them in an album and still don't think it's a bad's just a matter of getting it done. i also leave my christmas cards up for a long time, but when i do take them down i take them to school to use for the next year's christmas activities....someone always needs used christmas cards.

Corin said...

I cut the pictures off and put them in an album. I can't stand to throw them away. From now on I'm going to take the rest of my cards to Andrea. I always hate throwing them away (so pretty) but can't think of anything else to do with them.

Bree Shaw said...

i put them on my fridge. i tape the back of them and stick them on like that. mine don't roll at all. i have so many of them that the whole top part of my fridge is covered. i remember andrea scrapped all of hers one year too. that was really cool.

Bree said...

I just use a ton of magnets to keep them on the fridge, even though I’m always getting frustrated when I knock them off. I keep them until I get a new one the following year, when it doesn’t feel so bad to toss them. I like the album idea though, so you can keep them from year to year & watch how people change.

Shonya said...

I used to scrap mine, but the scrappin' days seem to be a part of my history. Now they sit in a pile until I can't stand the pile any more. . . :)